Maryland Dispensary Faces Fine for Selling Dumpster-Dived Cannabis

Selling Dumpster-Dived Cannabis

A dispensary in Maryland has been fined $26,000 by the state’s cannabis regulator for selling cannabis products that were retrieved from a dumpster by its employees. The products were discarded, repackaged, and sold to unsuspecting customers, violating several compliance and safety requirements.

How the Incident Happened

According to a consent order from the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA), the incident occurred at Far & Dotter, a dispensary owned by Curio Wellness, in Timonium, Baltimore County. On July 25, 2023, 224 grams of pre-packaged cannabis products were thrown into a dumpster outside the dispensary, where they remained for 41 hours and nine minutes.

On July 27, 2023, surveillance footage showed three dispensary employees retrieving four boxes containing the discarded products from the dumpster. Another footage showed another employee repackaging the products, removing them from the original boxes and placing them into plastic bags, before storing them inside a vault.

The employee told an investigator from the MCA that the original packaging was covered in a liquid substance acquired from the dumpster, and that he was instructed by management to repackage the products. He also said that an inventory manager advised that the products be destroyed, as they violated several compliance requirements, but management insisted on not losing profit.

How the Customers Were Affected

The dispensary sold the repackaged products to 24 medical cannabis patients and 18 recreational cannabis customers between July 28 and August 3, 2023, earning a total of $3,174.50 in sales. The MCA did not disclose the names or conditions of the customers who bought the products, or whether they experienced any adverse effects from consuming them.

Selling Dumpster-Dived Cannabis

The MCA learned about the incident from an email sent by the inventory manager, who was identified only as A.J., on or about August 24, 2023. A.J. said that his employment at Far & Dotter was terminated on or about August 20, 2023, after he raised concerns about the incident to management. The MCA did not specify the reason for his termination, or whether it was related to the incident.

How the Dispensary Responded

The MCA issued a consent order to Curio Wellness on February 29, 2024, imposing a fine of $26,000 and requiring the company to submit its green waste logs, scale calibration logs, and cleaning logs for monthly review by the MCA. The company was also ordered to retrain its staff on green waste procedures and compliance requirements.

In a statement, Curio Wellness said that it prides itself on its relationships with its customers and employees, and that it did not sell tainted cannabis. The company claimed that the products were inside sealed jars, within sealed boxes, and that no outside material ever breached the jars or touched the products. The company also said that it conducted an internal investigation and took appropriate steps to address the situation, including additional employee training.

How the Regulator Reacted

The MCA said that it takes the incident very seriously, and that it is committed to ensuring the safety and quality of cannabis products in Maryland. The MCA said that it will continue to monitor and enforce compliance with the state’s cannabis laws and regulations, and that it will take swift and appropriate action against any licensee that violates them.

The MCA also urged customers to report any suspicious or unsatisfactory cannabis products to the MCA’s complaint hotline or online form. The MCA said that it will investigate and respond to any complaints received, and that it will protect the confidentiality of the complainants.

By Lily Evans

Lily Evans is a talented content writer at CBD Strains Only, bringing creativity and passion to her work in the CBD industry. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to delivering engaging content, Lily's articles aim to educate and inspire readers about the benefits of CBD. Through her in-depth research and informative writing style, Lily strives to provide valuable insights into the world of CBD and its potential for enhancing wellness.

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