Californians Show Strong Support for Legal Cannabis Market, Survey Says

Legal Cannabis Market

A new survey conducted by the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) reveals that most Californians are in favor of the legal cannabis market and believe it has a positive impact on the state. The survey also shows that many consumers are confused about the local laws and regulations regarding cannabis retail.

Legal Cannabis is Important and Beneficial, Californians Say

According to the survey, which was part of the DCC’s Real California Cannabis campaign, 86% of Californians who consume cannabis believe it is important to purchase cannabis from the legal market, while 72% believe consumers have a responsibility to ensure they are buying from a licensed retailer. The survey also found that 62% of Californians believe that Proposition 64, which legalized cannabis for adult use in 2016, has had a positive impact on the state. Proposition 64 is now more popular than when it was passed, as it received 57% voter support at the time.

The DCC’s campaign aims to educate cannabis consumers about the benefits of buying legal cannabis and how to identify the difference between licensed and unlicensed retailers. The campaign also seeks to support the legal cannabis industry, which contributes to the state’s economy, tax revenue, and job creation.

 Legal Cannabis Market

“Education and enforcement are two of the key pillars that support a well-regulated cannabis market. The Real California Cannabis campaign will provide cannabis consumers with information that empowers them to make informed decisions regarding their cannabis purchases. These smart choices support safer communities, local businesses, and our continuous efforts to disrupt the illegal market,” said DCC Director Nicole Elliott in a press release.

Confusion and Challenges Remain in the Cannabis Market

The survey also revealed that many Californians are not aware of the local laws and regulations that govern the cannabis market in their area. 85% of the respondents living in areas where retail cannabis is not allowed either incorrectly thought cannabis retail was allowed in their area, or had no idea about the local laws. This indicates a need for more clarity and communication from the local authorities and the DCC regarding the cannabis retail status and availability in different jurisdictions.

Another challenge that the legal cannabis market faces is the competition from the illegal market, which still accounts for a large share of the cannabis sales in the state. The illegal market offers lower prices, higher potency, and wider delivery options than the legal market, which is subject to taxes, testing, and licensing requirements. The DCC is working to enforce the cannabis laws and crack down on the illegal operators, as well as to provide incentives and assistance to the legal businesses to help them thrive and grow.

The survey was conducted by FM3 Research and interviewed over 1,000 California adults, in both English and Spanish, to compile the data. The DCC is the state agency that licenses and regulates commercial cannabis activity in California and works to create a sustainable and equitable cannabis industry and marketplace. To learn more about the California cannabis market, state licenses or laws, visit To learn more about the DCC’s Real California Cannabis campaign, visit

By Ethan Mitchell

Ethan Mitchell is the visionary founder of CBD Strains Only, a leading online platform dedicated to providing premium CBD products and information. With a passion for holistic wellness and a deep understanding of the benefits of CBD, Ethan's mission is to empower individuals to enhance their well-being through high-quality CBD strains.

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